Shipboard Organization
The shipboard organization of a ship is very complex and requires
a multitude of differently skilled sailors. below is a listing
of the compliment that was required for the USS Oregon
to effectively function as a warship. Information provided by
the manual ,"The Ship and Gun Drills", United States
Navy, 1914.
The following officers will compliment the ship:
- (a) The captain,
- (b) The executive officer,
- (c) The gunnery officer,
- (d) The navigating officer,
- (e) The engineer officer,
- (f) The first lieutenant,
- (g) The medical officer,
- (h) The pay officer,
- and a sufficient number of officers of the line and staff
corps junior in their own corps to the above to officer effectively
the ship for battle, and to keep the material and personnel in
such condition as to be prepared for battle.
- Crew - The complement to be based upon the number of men
required in battle and in keeping the material and personnel
in such condition as to be prepared for battle namely;
- (a) A fully manned ship control,
- (b) A fully manned fire control,
- (c) A full crew for each gun of the heavy and intermediate
batteries and for each torpedo tube,
- (d) A pointer group and a reduced crew for each secondary
- (e) Men sufficient to provide for a supply of ammunition
during a protracted engagement,
- (f) Men sufficient for an engineer's force to maintain full
speed in two watches for a protracted battle,
- (g) A sufficient force to provide for exterior and interior
- (h) A sufficient force for the operation of the electric
installation, including searchlights,
- (i) Men sufficient to provide for repair crews,
- (j) Men sufficient for the surgeon's division,
- (k) The special ratings required to mess and supply officers
and men under service conditions; to be utilized in filling battle
Departments and Divisions
A. Gunnery Department
1. Gun division (including Marines)
- a. Turret gun divisions (guns mounted in turrets)
- b. Intermediate gun divisions (guns that are 7 inch, 6 inch,
5 inch, and 4 inch)
- c. Secondary gun divisions (guns that are 3 inch, 6 pounder,
and 3 pounder)
2. The fire control division
3. The torpedo division
B. Navigation Department
1. Navigator's division
- a. The ship control crew
- b. The signal crew
- c. The radio crew
C. Engineering Department
1. The main engines division
2. The boilers division
3. The auxiliaries division
D. The Construction Department
1. The repair division
- a. The boatswain's crew
- b. The carpenter's crew
E. The Medical Department
1. The surgeon's division
F. The Pay Department
1. The paymaster's division
- a. Pay and G.S.K. crew
- b. Commissary crew
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