An advertisement that appeared in December 1942 from a Portland based furniture company showing the Oregon evolving into new warships in an effort to lessen to impact of scrapping the famous warship.
Yes . . . the grand old ship has been formally given back to Uncle Sam . . . and the indomitable spirit that has made her the toast of the nation since '98, the strength of her frame of steel, will soon be reincarnated in the heavy cruisers, destroyers, carrier or battleship needed to avenge the "Astoria", the "Lexington" and other brave ships sunk in America's fight to make this a free man's world again.
How proud you and I should be of the "Oregon" . . . proud, too, that our state is second in the nation in the sale of War Bonds . . . a pride which should foster the determination that Oregon should be first, not second, in the purchase of War Bonds through increased bond purchases by every one of us. Make the vow, now . . . TO TOP THAT 10% BY NEW YEARS!